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Friday, September 18, 2009

♥ Brave Old Me

Im so happy thats over haha look at me before two different people lol....XD End of  MY scary day..

This picture was taken accidentally when i heard something calling my name in the toilet so after this part i swear i'm coming back here... 

The lock to nowhere here is where i though i heard something from the toilet..... 

The form six girls toilet if u look at the right door is lock hmm wonder whats in it. 

Believe it or not this is where i saw that beheaded little girl just looking at it makes my mind go crazy yerrrrr!!!!!! I wonder whats that shadow inside lehh yerr!!!!!!! ......

My journey where i felt something was not right what are behind those doors (Form Six block)

Something is inside there i just dont want to open it (This is my schools Bio lab side path)

LOok there is something there OMG is just my friend HAiz T.T (This was the Hall)

Today is my 2nd time in my school Akido club. Well i don't need to go into details about it because all of you will know about my results, lots of pain and just another day in hell.. but right after my class which ended around 10.30 a.m. i was planing to play basketball but my friends said they want to go for their stupid sailormoon dance so i don't bother to stop laughing at them. Later i will update a video about it haha very funny... so i was all alone in school and my parents are coming to pick me up around 12 T.T being stuck in school really sucks people. T.T so i wonder around the school till i got so lost like a drunk man. Suddenly i wonder to the most haunting places in my school. Now the time is in the morning right so there should not be any things around but i don't know why i get the feeling something is following me. So i felt very uncomfortable with that place so i ran away from it. Luckily i did because as i was leaving someone from the top floor yelled. So i ran away for the sake of my life. I ran to the place which are filled with people i was so scared. Many people told me not to wonder in the school alone some just say it would be a one of a kind experience that would make you a better man. That time i was so scared i don't even bother listening to my  friends. But then i funny i decided to go for it because if i go i would have a good story to write in my blog. I firstly go to my school hall my friends are just very mean because there went to scare me but after the school hall i was left solo in my whole journey. My first solo walk was through my school biology lab. My schools lab are way out of the ordinary because there is always rusted window the smell of dead organisms. and the worst is the sound of my biology teacher ( Boys faster faster Faster!!!! ) ( sorry to my viewers but i could not explain what happen to me when i was walking trough the biology labs because i just sense something very very wrong) Soon i found myself in the higher grounds in the form sixes classes. This place i heard there was the restless beheaded little girl spirit walking around yerrrrr....... i met her once in my band camp and i could never forget her red eyes looking at me Yerrr!!!! >.<

(This post is never complete because is just too scary if you would want to finish it or if you want to know more come find me XD)   

♥ And did I tell you that I love you tonight
11:42 PM
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Monday, September 14, 2009

♥ So Much After School

That's my friends sivaraman who looks very angry after lossing to gerald michael in the game. :)

Yeah That's my sifu in badminton lol but dont know whos hand is it in the back maybe is something .......

The one sitting there is the youngest in today's game isn't he cute but still i lost T.T

Today right after school me and a few of my friends decided a badminton game in the afternoon in stadium's DBI courts. It is also safe to say that today when i was taking the bus home i though i was sitting beside a thief. Its this, she's an Indian and she picking up cans everywhere she goes. But get this she got a hand phone called N85 well that was a surprise. So i dont want to look down on people, maybe just maybe she is a trillion air.. ;) But then guess what half way on my journey she failed to contact her friends or who ever it is she took out another hand phone called i-phone3G i was like huhhhhhh!!! WTH!!!! i look down on myself for after so long my father will only get an i-phone for my mom and he does not pick up cans.. So i really wonder how the hell she get those nice looking phone maybe she has another one inside another pocket... who knows. =) So if she has another phone in the pocket i wonder if she could give that to me hahaha lol.... So after all that thinking in my mind is time to cool of in the badminton game with my friends. In total there are 6 players and all can play very well... as you all know it i'm not some sort of hero in badminton so i still manage to win the beginner but lost to many other people even if they are younger than me.. T.T (maybe im just getting too old for sports and my body is breaking down) nah just joking i'm not old just one word my freinds call me if i'm bad at it NOOB lol =.="

♥ And did I tell you that I love you tonight
6:43 AM
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Saturday, September 12, 2009

♥ Where Is the Love

Arrrrr.... man it was a painful day..T.T Today is my first day in my schools Akido club. The reason why i join this club is because to just really get some ko-ko points.. But when i step into the ground where they train the 1st thing i felt was OMG is going to be a hell of pain..... I went to the sensei (Master) and shaked his hands hoping that he will treat me nicely in his moves..WRONG!!!! WHERE IS THE LOVE!!!! i started my training with some simple but painful stretching and after a twisted start off. The sensei started showing us his moves.. O that was when my legs break into two and my whole body crumples. After some simple tips he called us to face to face with a partner and bow to each other.. Lucky my partner is my friend and a beginner like me. So my sensei said ok boys i will teach u a way to block someone without using a lot of strenght. >This is where the pain begins< So I've been assign as the attacker and my friend as the defender..so my friend has been defending himself in the wrong way so the sensei comes to help out.. he took my hand then twisted me down to the floor and i was yelling wahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Pain Pain Pain!!!!!!!!!!! but then sensei said this to me NO PAIN NO GAME i was like watttt!!!!! so he just don't bother and applied more force into me and i was like AHHHH!!!!!!!! SIR STOP STOP STOP!!!!!! so finally he stopped and i thank god that i still have my hand in one piece... so then he said this to me ( your very flexible my boy, you are just perfect to be the demo straighter for all my moves) and i really wanted to grab my things and run off to a place called far far away... I really want to know where is the love in sensei's heart >.<

♥ And did I tell you that I love you tonight
6:23 AM
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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

♥ Not My Day

Hi everybody. Today's o9/o9/o9 or wednesday. To me all wednesday are bad days, but because of some rumors about the date people say it will be a great day. Bullshit!!, it was another normal day in school, like me going everywhere talking crap and blowing water. But when school dismiss it started a small rain. So I actually wanted to take out my umbrella but something changed my mind. It was just so happen that the form sixes girls are dismissing so well haha i wanted to show off so i put all my guts and cross the road like a real man then by my luck the weather changed, the wind picked up and the rain got heavier (T.T) . So I ran to the nearest tree like a chicken and hoping the girls wont see me running..... There i hide myself from view behind the biggest tree and transformed myself into many people who called me jane!!! I carried a small little good for something umbrella all the way to super kinta bus station (this whole journey i got bully by my friends saying wei put down the umbrella lah u girl (T.T) curse the name).... Halfway on my way we stoped at Yik Fong we decided to go through Yik Fong to avoid the rain. That time my good for something umbrella only manage to protect my upper part of the body. So i'm quiet wet.... =.=" So i told my friends not to go in because that place is air-condition and worse there are people and lots of girls.....>.< So i was dragged by them in the whole journey.... Our gang look so geng till we became the center of attention in Yik Fong so damm wet and one of them even pull his hair to the back when we pass by some girls and i almost puke.....>.< Finally out of the cool air-cond is back to wind and rain all the way to the bus stop..=.=" In the bus is finally my turn to go down then my lucked just sucks the rain got even heavier is like raining cats and dogs...grrrrr(+.+). Once again i took out my good for something umbrella and walked all the way home. When i reached home my entire body is wet wet wet T.T and i feel so cold........ZzzzzZ That time my shoe is wet enough to become my very own and one of my kind killer fish tank ( of course is proven the content of the water of the tank will kill instantly any type of fish) Blek ;) Well the 1st thing i reached home is to jump into the hot showers and warm my body up ahhhh..... After that i was hoping the rain will continue so i could get some good sleep but haiz the rain stopped and the sun made my room into my very own sauna. Once again the weather has defeated me into a dead fish. XD ENd.

So I though of some beautiful lessons to be learn after this:
  1. Always dont showoff in front of girls (this only goes to guys)
  2. If you can't stand it just yell you cant. ( before u get yourself into total embarrassment)
  3. If you cant stand the weather go out carrying a white object and wave to the sky and surendering to god. ( like what i did to my white underwear)
  4. If it rains at the first place dont go runnig in the rain, its stupid just wait for the rain to stop!!
(Thank You God For The Story)

♥ And did I tell you that I love you tonight
4:09 AM
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Saturday, September 5, 2009

♥ Competition Day

Ahh just another day in the stadium. Today is my 2nd time in my schools badminton compertition, it was intense when u see people who are better than you playing in the court. My day went wit a pain n a lost =(. Not my day. The 1st match was me agaist some black man, who's quite good. I was winning in the beginning but suddenly something made me say Owwwwww. It was my unlucky day to get a pain in my playing right hand which just not let me lose a mark but took out my entire game. Sad is it.... haiz..
So i decided to make this up to all players...
3 ways to prevent injuries in the game:
  1. Stand and not move.
  2. Wear a helmet during the game.
  3. Cover yourself wit all the pillows you can find.
So there u have it am i just smart..

♥ And did I tell you that I love you tonight
1:14 AM
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Friday, September 4, 2009

♥ Day before the compertition.

Tomorrow is my MBC badminton game had a hard training from my fren Meng hoi, awww my legs hurt man. Curse that fren of mine lol ^.^. Well nothing much to say haha maybe more stories tomorrrow lol....

♥ And did I tell you that I love you tonight
4:29 AM
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Thursday, September 3, 2009

♥ First Post

Thanks to Meng Hoi
I now have a blog!

This blog is created because the computer teacher in our school asked us to create a blog for ourselves in order to get points for our year-end assesment points.

Thank you Meng Hoi...!

By : Meng Hoi xD

♥ And did I tell you that I love you tonight
12:19 AM
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♥ Blissed Lover ;

    Sak Jun Meng
    16 this year
    Love me.Hate me

♥ Chat Corner ♥

♥ Thank you

♥ Fly Aways ♥